MPH Address

#2867 Ave des Ecuries
Kinshasa, Congo (DRC)

MPH Faciltities

  • Meal service
  • Conference Rooms
  • Library/Lounge
  • Wireless internet
  • Back-up generator
  • Back-up water system
  • Laundry service
  • Filtered water
  • Mosquito nets
  • African Art Gift shop
  • Sports field
  • Patio for outdoor enjoyment

Directions to MPH

MPH is located in the Ngaliema in the north-east area of Kinshasa.  #2867 Avenue des Ecuries.   The closest commercial area is Kintambo.

Another reference that Taxi men might know is that we are located near TASOK, The American School of Kinshasa (l’Ecole Americaine).

The “bus stop” outside MPH is refereed to as “Baobab”.