MPH Address

#2867 Ave des Ecuries
Kinshasa, Congo (DRC)

MPH Faciltities

  • Meal service
  • Conference Rooms
  • Library/Lounge
  • Wireless internet
  • Back-up generator
  • Back-up water system
  • Laundry service
  • Filtered water
  • Mosquito nets
  • African Art Gift shop
  • Sports field
  • Patio for outdoor enjoyment

Guest Services

Guest Services

Please read through the following for information on:

  • Housekeeping Services
  • Laundry Service
  • Internet & Phone Service
  • Security while at MPH
  • Generator Hours
  • Tips


Housekeeping Services

Rooms are cleaned and linens and towels are changed every every 7 days. Please coordinate with the office for a time for our Staff to clean your room.  If you need to have your room cleaned & linens changed due to illness or if you need more toilet paper or soap, please contact the office.

Laundry Service

If you would like laundry done while you are at MPH, please bring your laundry to the laundy table on the far side of the dining room by 8:30 AM. Fill out a laundry count sheet which you will find on the laundry table.  Please check your pockets before handing you clothes over to be laundered. Laundry rates are posted on the bulletin board by the kitchen, on the website, and in the office.

Internet & Phone Service

  • Free wireless internet is available at MPH in the dining area, and upstairs in the conference room and library. Certain rooms/apartments may have a wireless connection.
  • A desktop computer is available for guest use.  It is located in a small computer room at the back of the upstairs conference room.
  • Guests may use the internet phone in the office to make local calls or to call abroad.  Rates are listed by the phone, on the bulletin board in the dining hall, and listed on the website. See “Rates”.

Security at MPH

  • Visitors of guests are not permitted in the guest rooms.
  • Keep anything of value locked up at all times, even when you take a shower or eat meals.
  • Please use the safe located in one of the closets in your room or bring a padlock to secure high value items in a closet.
  • MPH is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
  • The front door and gate will be locked at 11:00 PM.  Please notify the guards if you will be out past 11:00.


Electricity supplied by the local electrical company cuts off frequently.  MPH has a generator to provide back-up power.  If the electricity goes out, the generator will come on automatically.  For long power outages, the generator will run from 6:00 AM  to 10:00 PM.  We recommend you travel with a  flashlight in case the electricity goes off in the middle of the night and you need to move around.  If for work purposes or health purposes you need generator power throughout the night, you can talk with the Operations Manager about paying an extra fee to have the generator run through the night.


If you appreciate the service at MPH you are welcome to tip the staff individually or write the tip into your bill.  Tips that are written into guest bills are totaled in August and distributed among all the staff proportional to hours worked.  August is the month when MPH staff are paying school fees for their children and buying books and uniforms etc.  A list of guests who have left a tip is made available to the staff at that time.   Our thanks in advance to those who choose to express appreciation verbally and/or monetarily to the MPH staff for their services.